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Can rTextPacker generate sprite font atlases where every character has the same width, similarly to what is displayed in sprite view? This is important for pixel fonts for ex. to avoid a score bouncing around in game when the numbers change.

Great tool, I wish we can have something such as "TexUnpacker", Would be nice if we could detect sprites within a sprite sheet, and export data to the formats supported by the app, something like "Atlas Image Data Generator" app do but the interface there is buggy and not user very user friendly.

Implementing such a system is not trivial, it requires some work, many considerations and probably some limitations. For the moment it's out of scope but if I got more resources (time, money) I could consider working on it.

Great tool - enjoying using it so far. One small request though, would it be possible to add the option to toggle on/off texture filtering? When dealing with pixel art the blurring caused by bilinear filtering makes it a little more tricky to work with. Thanks!

Actually, there is a toggle button in the main toolbar just for that...

Oh perfect, I somehow missed that. Thanks!

Is there a quick way to set the origin of a frame (or all frames) to their centres?

I'm afraid there is no such option at this moment, pivot-point setup is manual for required sprites... but I take note for a future version!

Is it possible to make the program, output multiple atlases if the number of sprites overflow the atlases? Then a map can be made to lookup which atlas the sprite belongs too. If source could be provided, I could add the feature myself, but this is closed source. It would be possible to make this feature even just using the binary, but would be easier if it already does this or source is available, even in a limited context. Either way buying this later today.

Maybe in a future but now my resources are very limited to keep improving this tool. I prefer to keep it closed source, it took me thousands of hours of development and I’m trying to monetize a bit all that work.

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I am in now way saying you should open source the tool and not be able to monetize it. I simply wish for some way to access the source with purchase, even in a non redistributable limited license manner. I would be more than willing to sign any NDA or pay an extra fee or something, just because it would make my life easier, but if this is not possible, I understand completely.

I would also like to stress I am in no way ungrateful for all the work you do on raylib. It is a wonderful technology. I am using it now and appreciate everything you do. I have already purchased this software and completely understand any limitations you have to impose to insure your ability to make money. The fact you even offer the software for free as use as a web app is commendable from the outset, I have no issues paying you something for a small part of all the work you have done, and the existence of raylib brings me great joy in not having to re-implement many things when I create projects that I do not desire to use giant monolithic engines with. Thanks for everything you do Ray.

I was wondering if it is possible, when exporting the texture, to configure the number of channels per pixel? Specifically, if it is possible to export the texture in grayscale? This feature would be very helpful

keep up the good work

Actually, I considered that option but I decided to keep that image-editing functionality separate from the packaging functionality. You can use rTexViewer to edit the pixel-format of your exported atlas.

There seems to be a bug.

I packed a .png-image with color RGBA(0, 0, 0, 50) and the result was RGBA(0, 0, 0, 10).

Is there something wrong with the alpha values?

Yes, it’s a known issue and has already been reviewed. An updated version will be published soon.

Do you plan on making this a library?

Also is there a way to remove all viewable sprites in the atlas?  It'll be useful for fighting games that need a lot of sprites for animation.

What do you mean? There is a clean button on the sprites list to remove all sprites from the atlas.

There can be sprites that have a red border around them that are not on the atlas, is there a way to automatically delete all the viewable sprites (ones without the red border)?


Not for the moment but I take note about it, I can add it in a future but unfortunately not for next release.

Actually most of the functionality of this tool is directly available in raylib. You can use raylib.

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Do you have a src-code for this program?

I'm afraid this software is closed  source. Why do you need it?

I will answer for them. Because by reusing the code of this editor, you can create a level editor that will be more convenient than the ugly Tiled.

You can check the code of rFXGen, rGuiStyler, rGuiIcons and rIconPacker, they are open source and all my tools use the same base template so the code structure is almost the same. rTexPacker just has specific code to package sprites but that's a few lines of code because it uses stb_rect_pack library.

This is rather impolite to the creator of Tiled.

this os not for mac

Nope, unfortunately I never had a mac to learn how it works and create software for it...

ok sir

Any plans to make this available as a Linux binary?


I'm publishing a new version soon, I'll try to provide a Linux version by then.